Aeschwartz | Get Organized

Get Organized and Stop Procrastination

Whether the problem is closet chaos or desktop disorder, juggling appointments or balancing a budget, missing receipts or missing deadlines, it is necessary to put more order in your life. You can manage with simple and sensible routines to get back in control that will instantly convert the chronically disorganized.

In this training program, participants will learn how to save time and space, handle paperwork, keep nancial records, le e ciently, use a calendar, pay bills, and maintain order at home and at work. With an organized lifestyle, you can accomplish tasks and meet objectives quickly and more e ectively.


For more information regarding our on-site training programs e-mail:


"The discussion on planning was a great reminder of its importance, and the exercises were very illustrative."
Edward Follen, V.P. Finance/Administration Mulberry Child Care Centers

"Well-presented, with a nice sense of humor which added to the presentation. The course went at a nice pace i.e. did not drag on. This program was to the point and highly informative."
Helane Duniers, Director, Client Services Coordinators Unlimited

"Mr. Schwartz is very comfortable in front of a crowd and makes the program very enjoyable. This program was well put together with speeches, real world examples, visual aids, handouts, and participation."
David Goguen, CADD Operator Gale Associates


When you are at home, do you have trouble remembering where you put your keys? How about at work? Is your desk so cluttered you have no idea what is lurking beneath the mess? Well, the key to becoming organized is really very simple. It is always amazing that so many lose or misplace the keys that make so much noise when they are in bunches; but, everyone does. To prevent this, be sure to place them in the same spot everyday; the best bet would be a hook next to the door. This way you always know where they are. But on the chance that you still misplace them, attach a sound detector to the key ring and a whistle will trigger a beeper to go off and you will locate your lost keys.


Once you are in the car, prioritize you day's tasks. This will save a lot of time when you get to work because you will be able to get right down to business. One should also keep a little tape recorder in the car. This is very handy for recording thoughts and dictating memos that just pop into your head as you are heading down the highway. And speaking into a recorder is much easier than trying to write while driving; even when stuck in traffic. It is also helpful to keep a book containing client's information, such as address, telephone number, directions to their office. This way the information is always readily available, you only have to get it one time, and your clients will be impressed at how organized you are.


You've known about it since high school or college, when everybody boasted about it. Everyone put off papers for a basketball game or a night on the town. It was OK - you only go through college once, right? You left college, but did you leave procrastination? You are now accountable for procedures and personnel responsibilities more complicated and more consequential than any you shouldered in college. Have your habits and attitudes evolved to handle them?