This training program highlights the expertise and information required to function e ectively as managers in order to build high-performance and pro table organizations. It is a manager's job to understand his or her leadership style, how to motivate, set goals, solve employee performance problems, and get superior results from every team member. It also requires that managers become more aware and responsive to employee needs, motivate and counsel employees by learning to listen, o er feedback that yields results, resolves problems, generates interest and enthusiasm.
A must for managers interested in growing themselves and their departments. This is an opportunity for you to step back and analyze your own management style, implement new skills and techniques. With this intensive training program, each participant will receive a comprehensive manual of charts, tips, and self-diagnostic questionnaires covering all aspects of this program.
For more information regarding our on-site training programs e-mail:
"I can really see how planning an action plan is essential for the success of a project (large or long)."
"This has been a terrific resource of new information to me that will result in an increase of productivity; best program I have attended, speaker is knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and realistic."
"Excellent scope of materials for self-evaluation in proper managerial methods for planning."
"Effectiveness and productivity stem from proper planning; I now understand how to use the right individuals more and how to be effective in daily interactions through planning."
1) Resistance to going to work, high absenteeism. 2) Difficulty shaking coughs and colds and other somatic symptoms. 3) Difficulty sleeping and feelings of exhaustion and fatigue throughout the day. 4) Frequent clock-watching, boredom, and restless. 5) Excessive anxiety about new assignments. Filling time with less important tasks. Resistance to input and stubborn opposition to new plans or concepts. 6) Inability to concentrate or listen to what someone else is saying. 7) Intolerant of others’ frustrations and inability to interpret their anger. 8) Quick temper and feeling either paranoid or omnipotent.
Many people misplace the blame, and call time the enemy. That is like a peace activist saying that plutonium is the enemy, not the uses to which it is put. Time is simply the resource we always seem to be "using up" too soon. Since this resource is both endless and insufficient, it’s clear that the answer to some of that pressure is time management - learning how to use the time you have available to better effect.
Stress is either the source or the catalyst for many emotional and physical disorders, all of which can lead to absenteeism on the job. It is a major factor in the whopping $125 billion America spends on health care for employees - a figure that will rise 15 percent this year. According to the American Medical Association, it is estimated that 93 to 96 percent of all psychological and physiological diseases and disorders are stress related. The situation is complicated further by the fact that not all stress is harmful. Complete elimination of stress eliminates the drive to succeed. The ideal situation is to maintain the creative stress - realistic deadlines, the chance for advancement and recognition, the sense of challenge - and eliminate the stress born out of frustration; the undue stress that saps energy.